My name is Albert, but I am called Paavo, which is a typicalFinnish name for a male.
When I was 8 weeks old, I traveled to Finland.It was quite strange, because my new mum and dad could not speak French,only say two words which where Bonjour! And then a curse word whichbegins with the letter M. At the airport in France, I almost missed myflight, because I was too heavy to be transported in the cabin! LuckilyMarie, my breeder, found a box for me just in time!
I live with seven hamsters and a picardy shepherd (berger picard)brother called Samson. Sometimes my picardy shepherd sister Via comes tovisit me. Then I have a friend called Kusti, who is a Labrador retriver.When he grows up, he is going to help disabled people in wheelchairs. Sofar I have made friends with a lot of people, they all say that I amsuch an adorable puppy. And that is of course true, I am an adorable chap!
If my mum would allow me, I would sit in the shower every day. Now Ijust steel her shampoos and toilet paper! I can already sit properly andwhen we go out for a walk I am always allowed to run free, because assoon as my mum calls for me, I come running! I love to eat my pig earsand play a tug of war! I also love to tease my brother Samson. I hang inhis beard! That’s a lot of fun!
I am already waiting for the spring, because then I get to meet sheepand try some herding! For now on I am training agility. It is a lot of fun!
I send my best wishes to my breeder Marie and all my sisters andbrothers in France, and of course my lovely mother and handsome fatherOurasi! Salutations: Albert
P.S My mother says that we are going to buy a new beaucerone from Marie, as soon as I get older and learn how to behave properly!
4 commentaires:
Hi Albert, it's me, Ada. Practice your soccer, Astro and I have started a team.
I like the shower, too. Ann put me under it just after I found something in the forest that smelled really good and rolled in it.
I was scared of the bathtub at first, and then discovered I got lot's of rubbing. The only problem was the nasty smell afterwards. Humans call it shampoo. Ugh!
Lots of nibbles,
PS: did you see what Ardente is up to? I don't think she'll have time for soccer, even though she'd make a great goal keeper!
qqun peut me traduire???????(le commentaire de ada, pas le texte)
Salut Albert, c'est moi, Ada. Entraine toi bine au foot, Astro et moi on a commencé une équipe.
Moi aussi j'aime bien la douche. Ann m'a mise dessous après que j'ai trouvé quelque chose dans la forêt qui sentait vachement bon et que je me sois roulée dedans.
Au début j'ai eu peur de la baignoire, mais après j'ai compris que ça impliquait plein de gratouilles et de caresses.
Le seul souci c'était la puanteur qui a suivi.
Les humains appellent ça du shampoing, berk!
Plein de papouilles,
PS : est-ce que t'as vu ce Qu'Ardente prépare? Je ne crois pas qu'elle va avoir du temps pour le foot, mais en tous cas elle ferait un super gardien de but!
merci sister!
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